Thursday, March 16, 2006

you caught me smiling, again

i am the master of the coconut juice

oskar loves coconut juice or "coco" as he calls it. we discovered that these nepali measuring jugs we bought in india are the perfect height to hold the coconut.

it's not even footy season

and dad's already forcing me to watch footy videos and carry this stupid ball around all of the time...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

only once

alex showed oskar once how to hold your finger over the end of the hose to make it spray...

how to archive?

it may just be me, but i cannot figure out how to get the posts from the front page to only appear in the archives. can anyone help?

yummy yucky

oskar has a book called "yummy yucky" which helps define what is edible and what is not by labelling one "yummy" and the other "yucky" eg "blueberries are yummy, blue crayons are yucky" - so simple a concept even a 17month old can grasp it.

top photo, oskar feeds the yucky hot chilli sauce to the playmobil cow.
bottom photo, oskar learns that pavlova is yummy.

watch me run

i often help myself to a drink

we have a water cooler in the dining room and oskar oftens goes and helps himself to a drink from it. lately though, he gets his drink, takes a sip and then tips the rest over the floor - and then goes back for more. experimentation is fun when your just over one...

alex framed by oskar

my friends and i

this is aksel and i in his garden. some days i go to his house and somedays he comes to mine. he has a good garden, so i like to go there.

oskar and ella (the cutest twins) came to play at my house and stayed for dinner. we had baked beans, brocolli, curd and coconut rice.

what interests a boy?

on galle road there is a construction site where a new hyatt hotel and residential complex is being built. it just happens to be on the way home from the cinnamon where we buy our bread. oskar can barely go a day without stopping by and seeing what is happening.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

why no updates?

good question. it seems the wheels of good health stopped turning in our favour on february 9 when ce had a headache at lunchtime. a massage by freeda in the afternoon helped move it on.

saturday comes and ak isn't feeling well - lethargic, headache, slight fever. saturday night ce does the washing up and figures that the pains in the hips, knees and ankles are from standing on the hard granite floor. a couple of simple yoga postures and the realisation that the pains will not go away.

sunday ce has fever of 38.8, sore legs, blinding headache. ak has slight fever and still lethargic. lunchtime ce gets the chills and starts shivering and ak says it's time to call the dr. the dr takes one look at ce and says "oh that looks like dengue. we had better do a blood test". both ak and ce have a test done.

monday - platelets down.
tuesday - platelets down. dengue confirmed for ce.
wednesday - platelets down. ce's so low hospitalisation is recommended. ak goes in for much needed fluids. jan texts and says "should i come over". ce answers "yes, asap".
thursday - mum brings ok in for a milk breakfast at 6.30am and is wheelchaired out at 7:30am. ce calls the dr and sure enough mum has dengue too!
friday - jan arrives to look after mum and oskar at home. platelets still down.
saturday - ce signs consent for blood transfusion as platelets very low. (thankfully transfusion wasn't necessary). ben arrives to lend a hand.
sunday - ak able to leave hospital. ce platelets still low.
monday - ak on the mend. ce still in hospital.
tuesday - ce still in hospital. platelets on the rise.
wednesday - able to leave hospital.

slow recovery for all of us with lots of rest and plenty of fluids. will keep you posted on how we are doing.

thank you to everyone who called us, looked after oskar, gave flowers, brought mint slice and vege sausages, and thought about us for a speedy recovery.