Saturday, April 21, 2007

feed me

carlo likes his milk. breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, bedtime snack, middle of the night snack, early morning snack... but we have found out that he likes food just as much.

we suspected that he shared alex and my interest in all things vego-gastronomique (can't say the same for oskar cause he only likes gnocchi with pesto)because everytime we ate, he would reach for the food, mimic our chewing and even dared to snaffle the tiramisu off my spoon one night at don and franca's. those in the know about don's tiramisu, know that if you are lucky enough to get some, you do not share with anyone, not even your own son - very counter sesame street I know...

we decided at 5 months it was time, cause he was drinking me dry every meal. first food - organic rice cereal and milk - he ate the whole 2 tablespoons full and even fed himself.

he has since tried 3 cereal and banana, 3 cereal and plum, 3 cereal and apple, and you guessed it - 3 cereal and pear. YUM!!!!


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